We're sure everyone reading this can think of something about themselves that they want to change. Whether it's 1 thing, or 100 things, everyone just needs to STOP!!! You are all wonderful, imperfect and individual people! Celebrate it! And if you're still a little stressed about it, just check out some of the cartoons below...

All you lovely ladies out there have been through the above experience... was it comfortable? Hell no! Let's all rebel and wear trakkies everywhere... 

Yeah sure we could all have a body like Angelina Jolie if we had our own personal trainers, never ate properly and spent more time worrying about how we looked than trying out all the wonderful flavours of ice-cream that exist! Seriously guys, reorganise your priorities! 

We all worry about what others like of us, but don't let it dictate your life! You are the only person that can make you feel bad, no one's words or actions can hurt you if you don't let them! So smile and be you!  

Isn't this the normal way to measure our weight? If not, I might need to re-evaluate my exercise regime... 

 Plastic Fantastic? I don't think so!

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