Stilettos- better off than on!!!

May 29, 2009

Stilettos. You wonder how those tiny sticks support your whole weight. Well, as I found out today, sometimes they don’t…

I’d lusted over these pair of heels for weeks. Sparkly silver, with a cute bow on the side, and at just the right height. All my friends had stilettos, and after all the gushing about how they make your legs look longer, more toned, and more glam, I couldn’t wait to buy my first pair! They were worth it too, after saving up for three weeks!

Tonight was out monthly girls’ night out today, and boy, what better occasion than this to show off my new shoes? After three weeks of saving up, these heels were gonna be a winner. Sure my feet started hurting after walking two minutes to the restaurant, but I sucked it up. After all, didn’t a wise woman once say “beauty is pain”? In fact, I was so happy just being able to strut my stuff that I didn’t think twice before I walked straight over a drain on the road. Bad idea. My shoe got stuck. And before I realised this (I blame my friend blabbering on about her diet), I kept trying to walk. Before I knew it, the heel had snapped off.  How embarrassing! I stood there on my one good heel, shocked. Then I snapped the heel off my other shoe… LOL! At least now I could walk for the rest of the night. My friends are never going to let me live down my klutziness, and I even have the broken shoes as a reminder. So girls, and guys, sometimes it’s cooler to just wear plain old flats. At least that way I’ll be different to my friends… and I won’t end up being a modern-day Cinderella again! LOL! xoxo


Friends- always keep you guessing!

May 27, 2009

Hey y’all!  OMG!  You’ll never guess what happened!  It all started yesterday at school.   After class I went to the canteen and when I got back to my group they were all whispering and laughing and as soon as they saw me they all shut up. I mean, way to be subtle right?  Obviously they were gossiping about me behind my back!  I sat down and there was like this awkward silence, I could tell they didn’t want me to be there.  I was so hurt!  This was like the last week of school til I wen...

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hAleY's LOvE LiFE!

May 27, 2009

Hey Guys! Haley here! Back once again to fill you in on my insane love life! Honestly, if you think yours is crazy you should try dating my boyfriend! Just last week I thought Jason was going to a massive effort for me for our 6 month anniversary. You know, making the dinner, add in the flowers and music and candles and it should have been perfect right? Wrong! We had been a little distant for about a month, so this was the night to make sure we would stay together. Everything went smoothly o...

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Parents- How to Avoid the CONSTANT "love and attention" Part 5.

May 27, 2009

Hey Guys! This time it’s Joe here with some pointers to help you deal with the overbearing expectations and extra pressure from the ’rents. When it comes to parental pressure, I know all about it and exactly what to do about it too. Going through high school not that long ago, I know very well how overbearing parents can get. Always getting in your face, telling you off for not studying (just because they came home 5 minutes too late and missed out on seeing with their own eyes you studyi...

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