Hey Guys! This time it’s Joe here with some pointers to help you deal with the overbearing expectations and extra pressure from the ’rents. When it comes to parental pressure, I know all about it and exactly what to do about it too. Going through high school not that long ago, I know very well how overbearing parents can get. Always getting in your face, telling you off for not studying (just because they came home 5 minutes too late and missed out on seeing with their own eyes you studying for 5 hours straight!!!) and pushing their unrealistic dreams onto you. I found out that the best way to get them off your back is to… ACT LIKE A TOTAL DEPRESSED EMO. I know what you guys are thinking. You’ll only make your parents more worried and obsessed and hence defy the whole purpose of getting them to “LEAVE YOU ALONE.” However the point is to guilt trip them into not intruding on your sensitive and delicate life as a teenager. By the end of a week with “Daft Punk” on repeat, newfound allergy to light and a vow of silence (only at home of course… don’t want to kill you social life in the process), you can forget about telling them how much you don’t want to be a doctor or lawyer or president of the damn world, they’ll just be relieved your not worshipping the dark one and abusing puppies. Another bonus is that it will stop the incessant nagging as which parent in their right mind would want to push a “troubled” teen overlooking the cliff, off… and not to mention it could also score you heaps of freshly baked goodies as mum enters the room nervously and awkwardly just to ask “how are you doing…” Well that’s this week’s tip from me. Tune in next week to learn about more unconventional tips to survive as a teenager in a world overrun by adults. Take care!!!!

J =D