Hey Guys! Haley here! Back once again to fill you in on my insane love life! Honestly, if you think yours is crazy you should try dating my boyfriend! Just last week I thought Jason was going to a massive effort for me for our 6 month anniversary. You know, making the dinner, add in the flowers and music and candles and it should have been perfect right? Wrong! We had been a little distant for about a month, so this was the night to make sure we would stay together. Everything went smoothly on the night, Jason was a perfect gentleman sitting me at the table and bringing me out delicious food he had slaved over for hours making for me. We had a great convo and I really felt like we were making progress in our relationship, you know, we weren’t talking about his footy or things our friends were up to, we were really talking about ourselves and sharing our hopes and dreams. I followed him into the kitchen to help with dessert, and just outside the door I heard another girl’s voice! I was so mad I didn’t know what to say! I burst into the kitchen and Jason immediately started rambling nervously. I told him that he was unbelievable and a guy like him didn’t deserve a girl like me! Suddenly, the other girl cut into the argument and said, “Haley! It’s Haley right? I’m Sammy. I’m Jason’s cousin! He asked me to come tonight and cook so he could impress you! I’m sorry you found out but it’s just a mistake!” Well I was sooooooo embarrassed! Jason had just been trying to impress me and I thought he was cheating on our anniversary! Just proves that I shouldn’t jump to conclusions! So for all you fellow bloggers out there with relationship stresses of your own, just remember to not jump to conclusions like I did! LOL! xxx