Hey y’all!  OMG!  You’ll never guess what happened!  It all started yesterday at school.   After class I went to the canteen and when I got back to my group they were all whispering and laughing and as soon as they saw me they all shut up. I mean, way to be subtle right?  Obviously they were gossiping about me behind my back!  I sat down and there was like this awkward silence, I could tell they didn’t want me to be there.  I was so hurt!  This was like the last week of school til I went on holidays for 3 weeks and none of them even cared!  I knew they were all jealous of me going to Fiji but they were being so rude about it!  When I got home last night I told mum all about it and she told me I was overreacting.  Whatever!  She wasn’t there, how would she know.  They were all talking about me and being heaps mean. 


So I wake up this morning right….”Sarah, can you come downstairs?” It was mum.  I was still angry at her from the night before.  I stomped down the stairs, just about to open my mouth to tell her what I was thinking then “SURPRISE!!” All my friends were there!  There were balloons and streamers hanging everywhere!  They had organized a going away party for me and that was what they had been talking about!  I couldn’t believe I had doubted them like that!  I told them what I thought had happened and we all had a good laugh.  I definitely learnt not to always think the worst of people cos u never know what they’re thinking. 


Thanks guys I really appreciated it!  Xoxo Sarah